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车型名称:新款别克商务车  Buick GL8 七座
在线租车点击:  在线订单

别克商务车GL8日租车价格;Buick GL8 commercial vehicle prices on Car Rental 
基本费用: 8小时100公里:800元
超 小 时: 40元/小时
超 公 里: 4元/公里 
费用包括: 司机工资+汽油费+保险 
另付费用: 过桥过路费停车费+超小时超公里费用

Basic fee: 8 hours 100 kilometers: 750 Yuan-chao hours: 40 RMB / hour ultra-kilometer: 4

yuan / km costs include: driver wages + petrol + insurance extra cost: the bridge tolls

parking fees + ultra-hour ultra-kilometer costs

超 小 时:30元/小时
超 公 里:2.5元/公里 
费用包括: 司机工资+保险 
另付费用: 过桥过路费、停车费+超小时、超公里费用+汽油费

 Details: Buick GL8 commercial vehicle rental car prices of the basic cost: 13000 yuan /

month rated km: 4000 km ultra-hour: 30 yuan / h super-kilometer: 3 yuan / km costs

include: driver wages + insurance extra cost: bridge tolls, parking fees + ultra-hour,

super-kilometer cost + petrol

超 小 时: 30元/小时
超 公 里:2.5元/公里 
费用包括: 司机工资+保险 
另付费用: 过桥过路费停车费+超小时、超公里费用+汽油费

Details: Buick GL8 commercial vehicle long-term car rental prices of the basic cost: 12000

yuan / month / year rated km: 3,500 km ultra-hours: 30 RMB / hour ultra-kilometer: 2.5 yuan /

km costs include: wages + insurance extra drivers cost: the bridge tolls parking fees +

ultra-hour, super-kilometer cost + petrol

另提供长途往返包车、短途租赁包车、旅游包车、商务接待用车等租车服务;Another round-trip

chartered to provide long-distance, short-distance car rental, tourism chartered buses,

commercial vehicles, such as car rental services reception.

注:长途包车、长途单接单送包车、长期包车、长期自驾租车(租费¥9000元/月/年);Note: long-

distance chartered buses, long-distance orders sent chartered single, long-term chartered

buses, long-term car rental (rentcharge ¥ 9000/ month / year).

*大客户部专线(长租客户):13002110082 张先生 

24小时服务热线:021-31262168    021-69511055  公司地址:上海市曹安路1509号福瑞大厦318室
Copyright @ 2011 上海申昂汽车驾驶服务有限公司 E-mail: 168chewang@sina.com
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